Someone's getting another brand new iPod nano for in exchange for a chunk of thoughtful feedback! It worked so well the first time, we're doing it again.
Kent Pennybaker of River City Engineering was the happy recipient of a sweet 8GB iPod in our last drawing. (We'd share a picture of him, but he's keeping the big win on the hush-hush so his kids don't confiscate it from him - seriously.)
In our last round, you gave us feedback almost exclusively on our GCPWorld website - most of you didn't review GCPLearning. We can't tell you what a difference your feedback made on our GCPWorld website - we learned several key things that were missing or easily misunderstood. Check it out again - www.GCPWorld.com - and see the revisions we made.

But we'd love to get that level of feedback on GCPLearning.com, which is our most important site for selling our products. So once again, we're contacting people whose opinions we trust - friends, family, clients, partners, and some folks we've talked with in the past and would like to get to know better - to tell us straight out about the impressions our new website makes. We're asking you to look through our revamped www.GCPLearning.com and answer some questions that will let us know if we have succeeded in telling the GCP story.
Your thoughts and impressions will have a big impact for us moving forward. So to show our appreciation, everyone who sends us a review will have their name in the hat for another lovely new 8GB iPod nano.
Here's how to play:
- Visit GCPLearning.com
- Answer the questions below - thoughtfully and helpfully.
- And with brutal honesty - we're counting on your insights.
- No, really, we can take it! If something bugs you - we want to know about it!
- Send us your review to info@GCPWorld.com no later than October 16.
- Forward this page to as many friends as you like, the more, the merrier
- Names in the hat the evening of the 16th - iPod in the mail on the 20th!
Here's what we want to know:
1) What's the impact of the GCPLearning homepage - does it clearly answer the who, what, when, where, why and how of GCP?
2) Does the "flow" of the website work - do you feel a logic to the movement from category to category and detail to detail in the site's design?
3) What's your impression of the video testimonials? How do they make you feel about GCP?
4) Imagine you're shopping for workplace training - does the website answer all the questions you'd need to answer to decide to talk with us further?
5) Are the calls to action clear and enticing? Is it easy to know what GCP wants you as a visitor to *do* as a result of coming to the site?
6) And do you feel enticed to make that next step?
7) What's confusing? What important information did we NOT provide?
8) What's too much? What parts did we drone on and on unnecessarily about?
9) Any other thoughts or advice for us?
10) Bonus question (your name goes in the hat TWICE for taking time to answer this one) Check out our "follow us" links. What do these links add to the effect of our site? Do you feel that our blog, our twitter, our Facebook and LinkedIn pages add something of value to your understanding of GCP?
Please send us your review to info@GCPWorld.com no later than October 16.
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